Wednesday 13 June 2007

Two Basic Pins: Ikkyo & Nikkyo

(Nage pins Uke using Ikkyo)

In our Aikido dojo, there are five basic wrist pins or techniques that we are taught:

1. Ikkyo
2. Nikkyo
3. Sankyo
4. Yonkyo
5. Gokyo

Having been through my first grading, I really only consider myself somewhat proficient in the first two pins, though I have had some experience with Sankyo and Yonkyo. (Nage immobilises Uke with Nikkyo)

At this point, I have to say that Nikkyo is my favourite pin, simply because of the ease of movement required to bring Uke to his knees once the wrist has been captured against Nage’s chest (pictured).

For those unfamiliar to Aikido, we call the attacker ‘Uke’ and the defender ‘Nage’. In the illustrations, the Aikidoka wearing the black hakama is the Nage.

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